The YouTube Channel has more information! This video is with Dr. Isabel Perez
What is PNEI
PNEI is focused on four major control systems of the human body: the nervous, the endocrine and the immune systems, and between them and the psyche which is the emotional and cognitive identity that allows us all to be different.
The various systems (psychological, neurological, endocrine and immune) interact with each other to achieve the internal homeostasis of the organism. As proof of this, it has been proved that the immune cells are able to interpret the messages coming from the autonomous nervous system (ANS) and from the brain.
The emerging field of science called Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology (P.N.E.I.) confirms what ancient cultures have always known: we are whole beings, and our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs (conscious and subconscious) are intimately interwoven with and directly impact our physical health.
PNEI is a field of research studying how the mind and body communicate the interactions between psychological processes, the nervous system, endocrine system and immune system, and the impact of these communications on our physical health.
The roots of the PNEI go back to the ’30s of the last century when Hans Selye Founder of the stress theory discovered The relationship between stress and disease. The word ‘stress’ is used in physics to refer to the interaction between a force and the resistance to counter that force, and it was Hans Selye who first incorporated this term into the medical lexicon to describe the “nonspecific response of the body to any demand”.
Later in the 1980s, Robert Ader, Ph.D., a founder of the field of study that investigates links between the mind and the body’s immune system. Dr. Ader was editor and later co-editor of the book Psychoneuroimmunology, first published in 1981, which details the research supporting the proposition that the brain and immune system are an integrated system. Changes in immune function are hypothesized to mediate the effects of psychological factors on the development of some diseases, and research strategies for studying the clinical significance of behaviorally induced changes in immune function were suggested.
Fortunately, this new scientific approach is spreading, which tries to connect into a functional whole, the various parts studied down to the smallest vital expressions such as atoms, molecules, tissues, organs, functions, etc. etc... In reality, there have always been those who have tried, even in the past, to read the state of health or disease in an integrated way; to mention some of the most recent and/or best known: S. Haneman founder of homeopathy HH Rekeweg founder of homotoxicology, R. Ader first psychosomatic approaches applied to diseases considered exclusively organic, H. Selye discoverer of maladaptation syndrome, G. Hamer founder of the "new Germanic medicine".
It is a science that uses the most up-to-date information from the biomedical disciplines and translates this into daily practices. It is a science that bridges the gap between regular and complementary therapy.
The PNEI innovative medical approach represents a paradigm shift from a strictly biomedical view of health and disease taken as hermetically sealed compartments to a more interdisciplinary one. After years of ostracism and diffidence, mind-body interactions are now well recognized, deeply studied in the medical literature, and taught at the most important medical schools.
Our physical health is largely dependent on our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In fact, thoughts and feelings create a complex cascade of biochemical changes which directly affect our health. Chronic stress plays havoc with the immune system because nerve endings have been found in tissues that produce, develop and store immune system cells. At the same time, the thymus, lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow (all vital parts of the immune system) respond to signals from the brain. Mental attitude not only influences how readily we become sick but also how quickly we recover from illness, wounds and surgery.
The emerging sciences of quantum biophysics, epigenetics, and fractal geometry have illuminated the mechanics of the mind-body-spirit connection. This new science reveals that consciousness is responsible for our life experiences, including our biological functioning.
So how exactly does this affect you and me?